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Hello. Great game. Love the setting details and mood. I was wondering, however, if in the section on Divination Mechanics, the first sentence SHOULD read "The Hunter states what they wish to find out about the hunt they are on..." rather than what is printed which is "The Hunter states what they wish to find out about the hunter they are on...". That is, I expect that the second use of 'hunter' should be changed to 'hunt' ... right?

Just bought a physical copy of this from a local retailer. It's a very interesting looking game! I'd like to echo the request for a plain text version - the book is stunning, but I know a couple of my players would struggle with some of the pages. I'm excited to play it :D

I'm really looking forward to playing this. I just wanted to ask if you are happy for me to print this out and potentially bind it in the future along with your art? Getting into the hobby and prefer having a physical copy of things.

Of course, feel free to print!

i'd love a plaintext/rtf or even just black &  white version of this for easier reading!

This is something I am working on, had a few requests for this.

I just peeked into it - may write more when I read the full thing - but this is fantastic. The art is stunning, the world well realized. I'm absolutely stoked to check this out and hope I can configure it for solo play. 

Looking good! Found it via the Minimalist group on FB. Will write a review when I’ve read and tried it.

Beautiful graphic design!

This looks fantastic

I can't wait!